Rajgir, Nalanda


Rajgir, Nalanda

Rajgir is situated in Nalanda, a city of ancient historical and mythological significance. This JJ Palace Hotel & Resort is at a distance of 55.9 km from Rajgir.

Rajgir is an ancient city in the northeast Indian state of Bihar. Surrounded by hills, it’s known for its holy sites. Remains of the Cyclopean Wall, which encircled the city centuries ago, still stand in the center Close by, Venu Vana park was once home to a monastery built for Buddha. The shield-shaped Japanese Temple contains a huge Buddha statue. Nearby there are hot springs believed to have medicinal properties.

Rajgir place in Indian history and mythology is prominent as the city finds its mention in the epic Mahabharata and was also the first capital of the Magadha Kingdom. The city is believed to be 2500-3000 years old and is also the place where the ancient university of Nalanda once stood.